When Ocean Freight impacts Road Freight Performance

In EU, 63% of drivers wait three hours or more at shipping docks.
That’s 1 Billion € left on the table each year.
Not to mention the amount of emissions that could be avoided…

This cost goes downstream to the shipper, therefore making ports with longer turnaround times more expensive and less desirable.

Évora, 08th of February, 2023 — AspBan, Atlantic Smart Ports Blue Acceleration Network, received funding from the European Union, to increase the competitiveness and innovation of EU Ports.

Europe’s ports are the gateways to the continent, through which 74% of the EU’s external trade in goods passes, so it makes sense that they play an important role in launching the next generation of logistics-related technologies.

Meight was invited to participate in AspBan Open Innovation Program, with two goals in mind:

  • get real-time information as regards to the current status of the terminal’s access points and the traffic flow within the Port facilities;
  • get accurate predictions on dwell/waiting times for the different time slots throughout the day.

By accurately predicting truck wait and turnaround times, using Real-time data on truck movements, Meight allows port operators to proactively monitor the efficiency of truck movements within the terminal, helping to:

  • Reduce idle time;
  • Improve the efficiency of Gate allocation;
  • Reduce C02 emissions;
  • Increase demand by improving the quality of services;
  • Give flexibility to drivers, by auto-scheduling their time-windows for pickup/drop-off. Ensure consignees correct ETA estimates.

AspBan network consists of a total of 43 participating ports:

“The European maritime fishery and aquaculture fund, co-funds the so-called AspBan project that has just kickstarted in May [2021]. This project aims to establish an innovative network of Atlantic Port accelerators, evolving startups and SMEs, so that ports can be transformed into true blue hubs.”

— Elisa Ferreira, European Commissioner

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